Week 2 - 2021

Week Two of HOBOS going SOBO in their OBOZ ... and we never looked back.  Our In-Tents Journey on the Appalachian Trail

Damascus, VA to Roan Mountain, TN, 75 miles in 7 days, averaging 10-11 miles a day. Total miles traveled so far, 150 miles.  Highlights this week: crossing the border into Tennessee, Watuaga Lake views,  Laurel Fork Falls and Jones Falls.

Things learned this week on the trail:

1. “The Rabbit Hole” run by Rabbit and Cat who offered milkshakes, hot showers and breakfast!

2. “Black Bear Resort” run by Linda and Travis who offered a warm cabin, hot showers and shuttled us wherever we wanted to go — McDonalds for Big Macs and milkshakes!