Journey to the Trailhead - 2024

A footpath of Faith: Our blog as we FROG, and share our tales on the trail, 

in our OBOZ going NOBO as exHOBOS

We made it to Pennsylvania! 

Sight & Sound Theater to watch "Daniel"

Our barn stay in Lancaster

Inside the barn - notice the nice comfy bed and indoor plumbing? Yeah, I'm going to miss those luxuries! 


(1719 miles)


We may have become directionally challenged. An hour into our journey while traveling through Texas, we took a turn which we thought was in the right direction but realized after 15 miles that we were headed south instead of north. Hopefully this is not an indicator of what will happen to us while on the trail. We need to remember that we are NOBOS (going northbound) and not SOBOS (southbound) this time. 15 miles in the wrong direction for us is a day and a half of retracing our steps! Maybe it’d be wise on our part to safety pin a note on ourselves (like they do with Kindergarteners) telling those around us which direction we should be going and to make sure we are headed the right way.

I’m too heavy. We weighed our backpacks and mine came in at a whopping 27 pounds! Compared to the last hike, I was only carrying 21 pounds. FROG’s pack weighs 31 pounds (28 last hike), but my he-man seems to think he can carry the extra – me, I’m a wimp. I really tried to find something I could eliminate so that it didn’t have to be my 3rd pair of shoes and some additional clothes I packed – woe is me, the shoes and extra clothes have to stay behind. BUT, I am still bringing my swimsuit, like I said before, no chance that I will be caught only wearing my birthday suit this time!

Couldn't help ourselves ... we did the dreaded thing, we stepped on the scale to weigh ourselves … okay, right, we probably shouldn’t go there! BUT stay tuned … I promise we’ll disclose those weights at the end of our hike to see how much weight has been lost. Any guesses on how much we (FROG) will lose? Hah! The last 2 hikes, FROG lost 25 pounds each time and I lost 5 the first and 10 the second. Our guess for each other, (if we went the full 750 miles) I said FROG would lose 35 and he predicted 10 for me.

There was no room in the Inn. While in Lancaster, PA, to go to the production of “Daniel” at Sight & Sound in Lancaster, PA (highly recommend this production! Phenomenal!), we stayed in a barn. A beautifully renovated barn, that is. Nothing even close to what Mary and Joseph experienced at the humble beginnings of Jesus’s birth. So many things to do, ping pong, pool table, a hot tub … see! I needed that swimsuit! AND, it had indoor plumbing and a nice, comfy bed ... oooh, I'm going to miss those luxuries so much!

We were led astray! When we asked google maps to direct us to the theater, it took us to a Holiday Inn, not even close to where we needed to be. We had to rely on stopping and asking for directions and you know how that goes when a guy is driving.  Not only are we directionally challenged – I think our google maps is as well!

It's officially bouncing! Our bounce box is on its way to our first stop, 70 some miles away. Since our box will be with us this whole journey, I think it appropriate that we give it a trail name. What is more appropriate than the trail name of TIGGER? Get it? "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best" Quote from Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. I know, we're silly, but you have to remember that it gets boring out there, so we have to create our own fun wherever we can. Tigger will become a big part of our lives and the reunion weekly will have me bouncing for joy!  Ahh, man, If I had been thinking more about it, I should have colored the box orange and added black stripes for full affect. Drats!

I'm shaking in my boots! Tomorrow's the big day! If I'm being honest, I have mixed emotions. I am excited to once again be back out there backpacking but on the other hand, I am full of anxiety. I guess it's because I know full well what to expect and I've had too much time to think and anticipate all that could happen. This is where FROG (Fully Rely on God) and Faith come into play. No matter what happens, God's got us ... I don't know what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future. Just breathe and look upward (metaphorically speaking, otherwise you could trip and fall on roots and branches, or step on snakes ... oh, good golly, I'm panicking again!) Keep praying for us!

Remember, keep dreaming, enjoy the journey, God has great adventures in store for you in 2024!  See y'all in a week!

A perfect reminder not to be anxious. It's going to be okay and maybe even better than we can hope or imagine.

Duncannon, PA to NH/ME border (approx 750 miles)