Week 1 - 2021

Week One of HOBOS going SOBO in their OBOZ ... and we never looked back.  Our In-Tents Journey on the Appalachian Trail

Groseclose, VA to Damascus, VA, 75 miles, 8 days.  

Not too bad for our first week, averaging a little over 9 miles a day. We keep hearing that as we build up endurance, we will be averaging more per day—we will see about that. With the terrain, elevation and winds, some days were really hard to endure — but the views were worth the struggle.  I think the most exciting adventure this week was seeing the wild ponies in Grayson Highlands.  They were so magnificent!  They loved us hikers as we became a salt lick for them.

Things we have learned so far on the trail:

Backpacking the AT was always Brad’s dream, never mine.  For many years I told him he’d have to find someone else to hike the trail with because I was never going to do it - I like showers, a soft bed, and a home cooked meal too much to do that.  Well, never say never, as the saying goes. He must have been praying that God would change my heart, because here we are today - one week down on the AT and it’s his birthday.  So excited to be able to give him his dream for his birthday!  Happy Birthday, Frog !